Foto: Lula. V kaviarni v L. Mikuláši. Daždivý deň minulého leta. 2020 je graficky aj numerologicky sľubný. Dve dvojky, dvojitá spolupráca. Lucia (Živé kvety) dala v pesničke tento prísľub do politického kontextu...
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Obrázok je spoločné dielo s Lulou. Dali sme si dnes spolu podvečernú jogu. Ďalšie inšpirácie uvedené pod článkom. Sedeli sme v A.H.A., v malom divadle v meste neďaleko pyramídy, na konci Fazuľovej ulice v...
O existencii takýchto dedín a mestečiek som predtým nemala ani potuchy. Sú na Západe, na juh od Bruselu, na ceste do Francúzska, a pritom na mňa pôsobia zabudnutejšie a neskutočnejšie ako dediny v horských údoliach na...
(Photo courtesy to Lula) An ordinary Wednesday The first call in the morning I take is from an elderly lady who wants to talk to the consulate. She lost her son, a sailor, many years ago in Belgium. His body was found without the...
Twist of seasons, Virgo time, new beginnings. Went to pick up blackberries on my birthday; found very few. They had dried in the strong heat and I came home legs full of scratches because I rarely give up an endeavour. Went for...
(The café has the most original tiles. The photo was taken earlier this year, before the sandals´ season) „So, are you on your way? “ I am sitting in a coffee place one early summer morning, looking at the front part of my bicycle...