A bar of lavender soap lies beside the wash basin. Each morning, when I come to the bathroom that is not mine, for a glimpse of a second, I mistake it for a mobile phone. Similar shape, and smartphones have become so omnipresent, so...
Kategória - Blog in English
„They can let you our of jail now, because they have put the jail inside your mind.“ Starhawk. Mocking other people was a pattern that ran in our family. Whatever could serve as a pretext to scorn: Hungarian accent in Slovak...
Foto @Zuzanka Vidrová. Jún ukončuje pravidelné kurzy jogy. Tie, pre ktoré je v kalendári vyhradený deň a hodina. Kam dobiehame z práce, stretávame sa, odchádzame iní, a želáme si fajn týždeň. Pondelkový prebieha v...
It was almost eleven at night, the first night of August 2012. Miranda would be here any minute now. She had taken the evening flight from Budapest and her plane had already landed; Dan checked it online. The time to get the suitcase, to walk...
photo @NR An annual celebration and an art walk in the village of Tourinnes la Grosse in Belgium where Flemish and Wallonian regions meet with surprising hills for such a flat country. Hilly is Brussels, too, and Belgium is a land of...
Picture: Project 40×60, detail from the artwork by Helen Toth, La Push, photo Maria Klaučová The sun as orange as the last leaves still hanging on the trees. Some of us are Holders, Keepers, Endurers, Containers. Some are...